Gloucester - The Electrical Works LTD

Step 1

Distribute letter to get estimate of how many tenants are interested.  The demand will form the basis of the project, the limiting factor will be the availability of power in the building. (Research government program, apply, I think it must be done in the very beginning stages of this)

Step 2

Engage electrical engineering firm to conduct studies on system to determine the feasibility of installing charger, this will determine what power is available, which will also determine the quantity of chargers that can be safely installed on the system.

Step 3

With the demand and capacity values now known, the design stage can begin, an electrical engineering firm should be engaged to design the system.  When the plans being developed, the project can be opened to tender, and the condo board can pick the contractor that they feel most secure about. (Could mention things such as hiring project managers for this depending on the scope of work involved, they could also save costs by buying some of their proprietary equipment like switchgear breakers etc. to save money)

Step 4

Installation begins, plan for power shutdowns, disruptions in areas of work, such as certain parking spots not being available etc.

Step 5

Commissioning of chargers, final inspections, and training of staff on how to perform administrative function such as adding or deleting users to the system, use of the system and what steps to take should a problem arise.

Connected OCPP 1.6

Platform agnostic communication protocol this means that the system is monitored and checked approximately every 2 – 3 seconds information is relayed back to a central monitoring centred

32-amp charging rate equals about 40-50 km of range/per hour of charge depending on the vehicle manufacturer.

For more details, contact us.
1 877 570-4272

This Project was partially funded by Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC) and Natural Resources Canada (NRCan) through their Program for Energy Research and Development (PERD).